How to Create a Viral Video

In today’s digital age, it’s no secret that everyone—from individuals to brands—wants to create a viral video. It’s like capturing lightning in a bottle: one day, your content could be obscure, and the next, it’s being shared by millions across social media platforms. But what exactly is a viral video, and how can you create one? While there isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” formula, we’ll share some tips and tricks learned from years of experience in the video industry that can help steer you in the right direction.

What is a viral video?

First, the simple definition for a viral video is something that is shared on popular sites such as YouTube, TikTok and other social media outlets. Think crazy cat videos. Fashion trends. Games and competitions. What makes it “viral” is the speed and how it is distributed. There is a wide range of definitions for what qualifies as a viral video. Some say it is over one million views in a few days or weeks. Others use more than five million views in a week as the standard. That’s a lot of exposure. But while more views might be better, we would argue that the characteristics of the viewer are more important. This is especially true when it comes to videos created by businesses for marketing purposes.

The roots of viral videos go back to music videos from groups like BTS, the South Korean pop band,  and kid’s content such as Baby Shark Dance. However, more recently it has been shown that businesses can use viral video in their toolbox to create advertising and brand promotion. Many companies have their own YouTube channel and regularly contribute content. However recent studies show that company websites, Facebook and LinkedIn are also popular platforms. When companies use a mix of platforms and spend dollars boosting posts they see a significant uptick in engagement.

Everyone wants their video to go viral and there are stories of videos that just exploded but it takes more than just luck for businesses to compete for views. Viral videos should be part of a well-thought-out strategy for them to be successful.

Types of viral videos

There are many different types of videos that a business can create which have the potential to go viral. Common viral video types include:

  • Humor/Comedy videos
  • Challenge videos
  • Heartwarming/Emotional videos
  • Educational/Informative videos
  • How-To videos
  • Surprise videos

Humorous Viral Videos

Humor can be used to show off the features of a product. Humorous testimonials can create a connection with customers. Fun stories or features about employees can engage an audience. You might consider doing a fun “behind-the-scenes” look at your business. People love to see how something is made. In a world where there is so much angst, humor can be effective, but it can also be tricky. What is funny to one is not funny to another. If the business is more serious, humor can derail your efforts. So be careful. Never be cheesy.

How-To Viral Videos

Viral videos can also be how-to videos. People love to learn how to do something new. Think about the success of the “for Dummies” books. Maybe you have a product that lends itself to an impressive demonstration. Showing how quickly it is installed can be effective. Perhaps you can show how quickly your product produces a result. For example, repairing a scratch, cleaning up a floor or even software that makes a business more efficient. A how-to video can wow the viewer and move them to buy.

Heartwarming & Emotional Videos

One of the best secrets to the science of creating a viral video is the use of emotion. People respond to authentic emotions. Imagine telling the story of how a team of engineers worked tirelessly to get power restored to devastated areas of the country after the most recent hurricanes. Or the heartwarming story of a company’s employees who went door to door assisting those who lost everything- bringing food and hope. Overcoming adversity is something that many can relate to. But the emotions can also be around joyous situations. Think of the craftsmen who work in the factories day after day producing high-quality products. Telling their stories creates a connection with customers and a sense of pride internally. These emotionally charged videos are more likely to be shared with others and can rapidly gain viewership.

Coupled with emotion is inspiration. Many businesses have a story to tell about a founder who saw a need and built a company or changed an industry. Look for stories of those who started on your plant floor and worked their way up. A story of a customer service representative who went far beyond the routine level of service and delighted a customer. These stories can inspire others to achieve.

How to make a viral video

Now that you understand the diverse types of viral videos where do you start to make one? Much like all videos it must start with a purpose. What are you trying to achieve? It may be something as straightforward as trying to get your company or brand noticed. Or create greater awareness. It may be a series of videos to get some buzz about a new product. You might be trying to change the perception of your company. Or recruit new employees. Whatever the purpose be sure it is clearly defined.

While content may not be as important for some entities, it is critical for a business video. Not all products or services are considered “sexy.” Finding a creative way to showcase the message, a twist or an interesting angle is key to success.

You need to have a strong hook- something that reaches out and grabs the audience. As discussed, humor and emotion are important, but for a video to go viral it also needs to be about something others can relate to easily. That is why so many viral videos are about pets and experiences that are common. People want to be able to see themselves represented. What will viewers relate to when it comes to your product or service? What pain point do you solve?

The next step is to create a treatment or storyboard to get the message across. Will this be a music video? Do you want to have individuals on camera? Is there a narrative? One thing that should be considered is animation as an option because it offers a timeless look and people are visual.

In the production process, be sure to remember that subtitles are important for this type of production. People view these videos in many different settings and often do not have audio on. You miss connecting with the audience if you don’t include subtitles.

There are different ideas regarding the length of a viral video. We don’t believe there is a hard and fast rule, but less is more. You must be able to get the interest of the viewer in the first few seconds or they will simply click away. Once you have their attention, don’t try to tell them everything. Instead, be concise and to the point. Remember that a goldfish actually has a greater attention span than a person. Think about that one.

Do it yourself 

Many viral videos are produced in-house using a simple iPhone. Others have higher production value and are professionally done. One of the factors that can influence others to view and share videos is the production value. The visuals must be interesting and eye-catching. Audio is the hardest thing for non-professionals to manage and yet great sound is important for the message to come through. Music and special effects can add a great deal to the emotion and energy. There are AI tools that can help but technical expertise is still needed.

Businesses should consider that all videos, and especially a video that goes viral, reflect the image and credibility of the company. That’s why they should seriously consider working with a professional who can guide them through the process. A professional can save time and money, not to mention provide the creativity that can make you stand out.

No guarantees

Just creating an engaging video does not guarantee success. The truth is that there is a fair amount of timing and luck that also comes into play. One way to improve the odds is to collaborate with others and experiment with different platforms to see which is best for your business. Here are some of the videos we’ve collaborated on.

Viral Video Example 1

Viral Video Example 2

Viral Video Example 3

Interested in creating a viral video?

If your business wants to try and make content go viral but isn’t sure where to start, contact the CK and CO team. We can help create a viral video for your team.

cynthia kay
CEO at CK and CO | Website | + posts

Cynthia Kay founded Cynthia Kay and Company media production 35 years ago. The company produces communications for organizations from Fortune Global 100 to small businesses. A graduate of Michigan State University, Kay holds a master’s in communications from Western Michigan University.
She is the Past Board Chair of the Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM) and the National Small Business Association (NSBA). Cynthia has been honored with many awards including numerous Tellys and Woman Owned Small Business Supplier of the Year from Siemens in 2018. She has been named One of West Michigan’s 50 Most Influential Women 5 times. She is also the recipient of over 30 broadcast awards from UPI, AP and other news organizations.