Positives and Negatives of Going Viral
There is a lot of noise about viral videos. Like any marketing effort, there are positives and negatives about viral videos. And it is not a one size fits all. Let’s examine the benefits but first, let’s be sure we are all on the same page with what viral video is.
In our previous blog, we defined a viral video as something that is shared on popular sites such as YouTube, TikTok, and other social media outlets. We noted that what makes it “viral” is the speed and how it is distributed. There is a wide range of definitions for what qualifies as a viral video. Some say it has over one million views in a few days or weeks. Others use more than five million views in a week as the standard. No matter what metric you are using, there are positives and negatives to the occurrence.
Benefits of Going Viral
Going viral builds engagement and loyalty
Viral videos have been elevated to almost celebrity. And that’s because we know the reaction when millions of viewers put their stamp of approval on one. When something a business produces goes viral it increases the visibility of the organization and who doesn’t want that? You can reach customers who may not have ever been exposed to your business through traditional channels. If they are intrigued, they take the step to visit your website to get a good look at the products and services. If the individual visits the site through Google or another search engine and spends time exploring your site, it can help your website appear higher on the search engine results page (SERP). Visitors start to explore your site, and if they are first-time visitors, they begin to establish a relationship with the brand. The viral video was the first touch point and if they like what they see- they buy. This is a great starting point for increasing engagement and loyalty.
For those who are already customers or familiar with the brand a viral video reinforces the brand and builds credibility. It shows them that others also see the value of your business. A viral video for established customers can reassure them that they are making good choices.
Traditional marketing versus viral marketing
There are many ways to use marketing and advertising dollars. Traditional marketing will never go away. However, having a video go viral is a cost-effective way to reach your target market. As more and more people view the video the return on the investment grows. But it is important to remember that it is one of many tools and you can’t rely on everything you create to make a big splash. So be sure that viral videos are part of a larger strategy. That strategy should include great content, posting to the right sites and making it easy to share.
Is anyone taking notice
Does making a creative, compelling, and emotional video always get you noticed? The reality is that many well-produced and clever viral videos never get wide distribution. There are lots of reasons. Perhaps the distribution channel is not suited to the content. Maybe it is a matter of timing. You might never know why one video gets millions of views and another does not.
There are some who believe there is a formula for helping a video go viral. Perhaps, but just following what others do does not guarantee success. It takes a lot for a video to be regarded as special and not everyone can hit the mark. That causes some to abandon the effort. It takes consistency and patience to see results. Think of the authors who have written countless books before they actually have a best-seller. Were the earlier books not well-written? Or was it just a matter of timing? How about musical bands that produce records for years without hitting the big time. The lesson here is that viral video takes work. But if it is an appropriate part of your strategy to stay the course, don’t give up.
Negatives of going viral
Getting noticed is not always a good thing. Every business has an ideal target market. These are customers who really are a good fit for our core business. When we attract customers that are not ideal it costs. It takes time to communicate and answer requests. It takes us away from work that is profitable. And sometimes we are tempted to stray and take on business that we should not. Just because you reach millions of viewers does not mean that translates to profits. Five great customers may do far more for your bottom line than millions of likes.
The pressure to perform
Sometimes viral success can create unnecessary pressure or urgency to deliver another viral video quickly. This can be problematic if you do not have the resources to respond. Viewers are demanding. They have a constant need to see and experience something new. Maintaining the quality and effectiveness of viral videos takes time and money. It also can strain an organization’s creative juices. As former broadcasters, we know how hard it is to create compelling content day after day. Think about the typical sitcom or TV series. It is hard to stay atop the ratings. The same thing applies to going viral. That’s why many experts believe you need to build a great network of content producers and collaborate with them. If you don’t have a consistent stream of content, you lose all the momentum and positive impact of going viral. Just like the “one-hit wonder” musical groups that went to the top of the charts and fall quickly out of favor when they could not produce another hit. Those who are in it for the long haul know that you need to post consistently. Experts vary on how many posts you need to stay relevant, but a guide is three to four times a week. And for some it is daily.
Unintended consequences
Going viral can have some unintended consequences. Businesses try to piggyback onto a hot topic or scandal thinking that it will increase the likelihood of going viral. This is never a good idea and can be viewed as insensitive. There are also cases where a company unintentionally offended its customers. It can happen easily because it is difficult to see every aspect of a situation. And people’s perspectives are tainted by their experiences which may be very different than what one might assume.
Sometimes a company gets “too cute” or a little too edgy with a viral video and the response is swift. It does not take long for a reputation to be damaged irreparably. The financial consequences can be loss of income, and partnerships, not to mention the loss of trust. On that same note, if a viral video is not an authentic representation of a brand that can also cause great damage.
A final thought
While many dream of having a video go viral, it is best to really consider in advance what can happen if the dream comes true. Will you be overwhelmed by the response? Will you be able to handle the notoriety? Can you live up to the hype?
There are positives and negatives to a video going viral. But one thing is undeniable and that is the importance of viral marketing and a good viral marketing strategy. Do it right and your business can reap the benefits. Get sloppy or do it wrong and the damage can be significant.
If your business is interested in making viral video content, contact our team so we can help create video content that is right for your business and customers.
Cynthia Kay founded Cynthia Kay and Company media production 35 years ago. The company produces communications for organizations from Fortune Global 100 to small businesses. A graduate of Michigan State University, Kay holds a master’s in communications from Western Michigan University.
She is the Past Board Chair of the Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM) and the National Small Business Association (NSBA). Cynthia has been honored with many awards including numerous Tellys and Woman Owned Small Business Supplier of the Year from Siemens in 2018. She has been named One of West Michigan’s 50 Most Influential Women 5 times. She is also the recipient of over 30 broadcast awards from UPI, AP and other news organizations.